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《网页设计辅助工具》(TopStyle )v5.0.0.83[压缩包]

发表于 2013-1-27 18:26:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
软件标题: 网页设计辅助工具
描 述: 《网页设计辅助工具》(TopStyle )v5.0.0.83[压缩包]
软件版本: v5.0.0.83
软件语言: 简体中文
操作系统: winxp win7 
软件作者: -
软件大小: 26.58 MB M
下载地址: -
上传效果: -


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[url=[网页设计辅助工具].TopStyle.[ED2000.COM].zip (26.58 MB)][网页设计辅助工具].TopStyle.[/url]

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中文名: 网页设计辅助工具; a( U! q- s4 {% c- G
英文名: TopStyle
& r: M) `8 A4 M! h* s资源格式: 压缩包
' }  A4 C/ p7 l; n- i0 h版本: v5.0.0.83
+ _0 c, K, r3 w3 U9 M# A发行时间: 2012年
1 e; ^+ ?7 |/ f( n制作发行: topstyle4.com
5 S& Z7 b2 _( Q! Q0 Q& Z+ f语言: 英文# @2 x. s( J/ Z
简介: ' P7 \- t' n* l

  `, x  Q! q2 M: t% ~# x  ?  E/ ~0 n
软件类型:多媒体类$ c4 s* c" g, ?# F
. ?  l5 _4 n6 I操作系统:Windows
( ?% @$ C5 m- [( R应用平台:Vista/2003/XP/7
+ ]0 S. g& m: V问题反馈: http://www.topstyle4.com/index.html#support
* N2 |& ~; Y$ c) ^$ T网站链接: http://www.topstyle4.com/
& p2 X8 f$ R+ q+ _/ a; C' Z软件介绍:2 U1 Y! B. h* B( b
TopStyle 是一款 CSS 开发辅助工具,即 HTML5 / CSS3 编辑器,它专注于 HTML CSS 设计辅助,提供比较多的功能,如 CSS 代码检查等,据称 TopStyle 的帮助文件非常好,有详细的 CSS 指令,适于初次接触 CSS 的学习之用。
: R7 e: u% x. B不过如果你想对 CSS 了如指掌,对 CSS 网页布局非常熟练,还是扔掉一切辅助软件,用记事本开发,而熟练 CSS 之后,再使用此类辅助软件,可以提高工作效率和开发速度。* k& E- W# Q- O/ L/ P4 h" t
TopStyle Pro 是一款所见即所得的div+css样式编辑器软件.您可以编辑出更好更完整的CSS!兼容性更好的CSS样式.TopStyle拥有CSS码检查功能,减少写错的机会。
5 _: a! U( f+ D8 Z6 H! p6 F$ S0 m功能专注于css设计的辅助工具,功能相当多,附有css码检查功能,减少写错的机会。尤其是它的help文件中详细的css指令介绍,很适于用作参考文件与初次接触css的人做为学习使用。
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' ?0 [, N9 p5 w* F% u
- P3 @- n# a' G* D8 {TopStyle contains powerful tools for building standards-compliant web sites. TopStyle allows you to save your document ANSI-encoded (the TopStyle 3.x default), or Unicode-encoded (UTF-8 or UTF-16). When you open an existing document, TopStyle will auto-detect the encoding for the document you"re trying to open.
/ h. @$ _& o# j% T' g% uThe new FTP Explorer Panel allows you to edit online documents via FTP. When you save your document, it is automatically uploaded to your FTP site. TopStyle comes with a new, user-configurable HTML toolbar that is displayed above the editor. Simply drag-n-drop any snippet from this HTML toolbar into your document. TopStyle includes new CSS definitions for IE8 (Microsoft Internet Explorer 8), FF3 (Mozilla FireFox 3), and SF3 (Apple Safari 3).
. z+ L: P' o& ^0 lWhat's new in TopStyle?* c; N" _+ @% I# h& ?+ C, u
* Unicode. TopStyle allows you to save your document ANSI-encoded (the TopStyle 3.x default), or Unicode-encoded (UTF-8 or UTF-16). When you open an existing document, TopStyle will auto-detect the encoding for the document you're trying to open.
. k+ z, b4 W8 v* h& w) n& g% s* HTML toolbar. TopStyle comes with a new, user-configurable HTML toolbar that is displayed above the editor. Simply drag-n-drop any snippet from this HTML toolbar into your document.% D* F' s0 e" B) z8 j
* New CSS definitions. TopStyle includes new CSS definitions for IE8 (Microsoft Internet Explorer 8), FF3 (Mozilla FireFox 3), SF3 (Apple Safari 3), and SF4 (Apple Safari 4).
% v0 p' R2 e" F. z5 o3 A& B* Script Insight. TopStyle includes Script Insight for ASP (both JavaScript and VBScript), PHP, and ColdFusion.
( Y+ m# w9 x) P* Bookmarks. TopStyle contains new powerful commands for navigating your documents, including 10 bookmarked locations for each document.
/ b) l" c  P! e+ u( P* iPhone (and iPod touch) webapp development. TopStyle includes iWebKit, a simple and advanced development framework for iPhone (and iPod touch) webapp development. In addition to iWebKit, TopStyle includes new CSS definitions for iPhone OS 1.1 and iPhone OS 2.0. Last but not least, TopStyle includes a new *internal* preview for Apple Safari.2 d% h4 B/ Z1 v. ?5 T5 b
* Improved inline style. Inline style attributes (eg. style="|") support CSS color-coding and CSS Insight (Ctrl+Space).
! L0 @" f5 a6 F7 B* HTML 5. TopStyle includes a new HTML definition for HTML 5 and a new HTML 5 template. TopStyle supports the new !DOCTYPE for HTML 5.

+ X! S' p! ^& |: _5 l
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